IGN's review of Flash #3 Nov 27, 2011 18:04:04 GMT -5 Quote Select PostDeselect PostLink to PostMemberGive GiftBack to Top Post by xBarryxAllenx on Nov 27, 2011 18:04:04 GMT -5 Here's IGN's review of Flash #3...and really, only 8 out of 10? I'd rate this one no lower than 9.999 myself (but then again I'm biased). ;D Seriously, it is a good review. Here's the link...comics.ign.com/articles/121/1213317p1.html?RSSwhen2011-11-23_224500&RSSid=1213317&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+ignfeeds%2Fcomics+%28IGN+Comics%29#.TtKSWjbUvH8.twitter